By John Addis
Last Friday and Saturday, Warren Buffett hosted his insurance-to-ice cream conglomerate's annual general meeting.
Known as Woodstock for capitalists, the two-day jamboree has all the elements of a religious festival, with devotees basking in the reflected glow of their guru.
Warren Buffett goes out of his way to prove his fallibility.Credit: AP
There's something stomach-churning and perhaps, in an investing sense, costly, about such veneration.
This year, up to 40,000 followers attended the jamboree, visiting the sites of religious significance: a barbecue at Nebraska Furniture Mart; an exclusive shareholder shopping day at Borsheim Jewelers; a NetJets tour.
True believers can get even closer to God in the most intimate way by wearing the exclusive $5 Fruit of the Loom “Berky Boxers” featuring a motif of Buffett and Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, themselves.
But for an overwhelmingly reverential experience, nothing beats a slab of meat, a serving of chips and a root beer at Gorat's, Buffett's favourite steakhouse and the closest value investors get to an ashram.
I've never been to Omaha and have no plans to do so (although I have attended Munger's Wesco meeting). I hate crowds and there's nothing that investors get from the meeting not available online, except the experience of being there, which, of course, is the point.
Omaha is to investors what Lourdes is to Catholics. The very act of attending inducts you into the cult and confirms the extent of your belief, whether you like it or not.
Which is of course where the danger lies. In adopting a guru, one abdicates a sense of autonomy and self-reliance, skills crucial to investing success.
This isn't Buffett's fault. In fact, he goes out of his way to prove his fallibility.
This year Buffett called on hedge fund manager Douglas Kass, who has been shorting Berkshire stock, to make the case against the company.
By all accounts he failed, thus reaffirming the mythology of Buffett's munificence in the eyes of his followers.
The cult of Buffett is so entrenched that its most vociferous critic is Buffett himself, who regularly administers large doses of self-reproach for poor decisions.
Such hero worship is dangerous, dispensing as it does with the one thing all successful investors need: scepticism.
The idea that there is one true way, one path to riches, sign-posted by a pair of octogenarians with a fondness for peanut brittle, is one that Buffett and Munger themselves would be first to reject.
To be a successful investor you need to think independently and correctly, a phrase Buffett regularly trots out. That means the last thing you should do is join the cult of Buffett.
This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 282288).
John Addis is a director at Intelligent Investor and doesn't own either Berkshire Hathaway A or B shares. BusinessDay readers can enjoy a free trial offer to Intelligent Investor Share Advisor, including access to 17 current Buy recommendations. For more Intelligent Investor articles click here.